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‘Quantum Nicosia Marathon’ on 10 December 2023 The only charity and cultural marathon of Cyprus


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The annual charity and cultural event “Quantum Nicosia Marathon 2023” returns this year with a full programme of races and events on December 10, 2023.

Organiser and exclusive sponsor of the event since 2010 is the Athanasios Ktoridis Foundation, which as always aims to combine sports, culture and charity.

Within the framework of the organisation of the race, the Director of the Athanasios Ktoridis Foundation, Vasso Kourou and associate Haris Hatzisavvas, visited the Mayor of Aglantzia, Andreas Constantinou who agreed to cooperate with voluntary assistance from the municipality which is valuable for the smooth organisation of the Quantum Nicosia Marathon.

The Mayor’s enthusiasm and response was immediate.

On Sunday, December 10, the races will start in front of the Municipal Theatre, with the Marathon (42.195 km), Half Marathon (21.1 km), the honorary “Stelios Kyriakides 7.7 miles” (12.39 km), the 5 km race (individual and corporate) and the family Quantum sMile Run (1.6 km).

The runners will pass through four municipalities, viewing and enjoying their sights, and after passing through the heart of Nicosia, they will finish at the landmark Municipal Theatre which is the cultural centre of the capital city.

This year, the entire route will be enhanced with music, thus giving strength and enthusiasm to the runners.

All the routes have been designed by experts in the field, led by Race Director Evangelos Papapostolou and Chrysa Apostoloumi, with the full cooperation and support of the Nicosia Municipality, the Cyprus Police and the Department of Public Works.

A month before the big race, sports-themed events are being planned. The “sports fiesta”, in the area of Eleftheria Square, will be open for everyone to participate in sports exercises supervised by qualified trainers. There will also be a bazaar with sports products.

There will also be cultural tours of the city, photographic exhibitions, etc. while, on the day of the race, the municipal park next to the Theatre will be transformed into a small “Sports Village” with the participation of running and sports clubs and a large charity bazaar, with proceeds going to charitable foundations.

As part of the Athanasios Ktoridis Foundation’s policy to support needy organisations and help our fellow citizens, all the proceeds from registrations will be donated to the following charitable institutions, as was done in 2022.

  • Alkinoos Artemiou Foundation
  • “Little Heroes”
  • Cyprus Autistic Association
  • Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Heart Disease
  • Nicosia Municipal Multicultural Centre
  • Committee of Parents and Relatives of National Guard PEMSE

Co-organiser of this beautiful sports journey is the Municipality of Nicosia with the municipalities of Aglantzia and Engomi.

In order to ensure the success and the smooth organisation of the “Quantum Nicosia Marathon 2023”, the friends of the Foundation are essential, and especially the volunteers from our partners the National Guard and ELDYK, the Scouts, Civil Defense, Ministry of Health, OKYPI, Cyprus Public Transport, and the running clubs, whom we thank from the bottom of our hearts.

Get ready to #RunNicosia on 10-12-23.

Registrations have started at and the participation of thousands of runners from Cyprus and abroad is expected again this year.


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