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Presentation of the book “Dromou Dromena’ by Costas Patinios


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“Athanasios Ktoridis” Foundation presented, as part of the 3rd Quantum Nicosia Marathon, during a very successful evening event which was held at Famagusta Gate, the book by Costas Patinios “Dromou Dromena» The book is made up of small self-contained stories of variable emotions, which together create a large story, a tale, with Aris, a long distance runner as the main hero. The author believes that lifelong exercise can and must become part of our everyday life, to become a protective shield against the traps of our modern way of life. “… And if you are not able to make your life the way you want, at least try this as much as you can: do not humiliate it!” said with a smile Costas Patinios, quoting the words of C. P. Kavafis. The book was presented by writer Panos Ioannides and the track champion Dora Kyriakou. A welcome speech was made by marathon runner Nasos Ktoridis. Το βιβλίο κυκλοφορεί από τις Εκδόσεις Αρμίδα και μπορείτε να το προμηθευτείτε από τα βιβλιοπωλεία ή μέσω του συγγραφέα στο τηλέφωνο 99308172. The book is published by Armida publications and you can purchase it from bookstores or through the writer, on 99308172.

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Presentation of the book “Dromou Dromena’ by Costas Patinios

Presentation of the book “Dromou Dromena’ by Costas Patinios

Presentation of the book “Dromou Dromena’ by Costas Patinios

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Presentation of the book “Dromou Dromena’ by Costas Patinios

Presentation of the book “Dromou Dromena’ by Costas Patinios

Presentation of the book “Dromou Dromena’ by Costas Patinios

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Biography of the Author

Costas Patinios was born in Nicosia in 1971. He works as an administrator at an institution for children with special needs. He is married and has two children. He is a long distance runner with poetic -and not only- sensitivities. Costas runs almost daily over the past 30 years. The book “Dromou Dromena” is his second book published. It was preceded by the “There are days I breathe their silence” (Armida Publications, 2011), a collection of short stories and poems.

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