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A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day


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On Wednesday, 16th of October, on the occasion of the World Food Day, Unicef, in a modest, yet cordial ceremony, offered a love feast for the students of the Faneromeni Elementary School.

The events hall was filled with wide smiles and lightened up with the cheerful voices of excited children.

The headmaster of the school, Mr. Haris Charalambous thanked Unicef ??for the kind offer. In a brief greeting, the first ambassador of Unicef ??in Cyprus, Mr. Nasos Ktorides, confirmed to the children that “we, the adults, have the responsibility to stand by you and support you, so that you are happy and creative in anything you do in your life “.

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A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day

A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day

Cyprus UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Mr Nasos Ktorides with Mrs Maro Panayiotou Director of UNICEF Cyprus with the students of the Faneromeni Elementary School.

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A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day

A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day

Cyprus UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Mr Nasos Ktorides with the students of the Faneromeni Elementary School.

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A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day

A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day

A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day

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A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day

A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day

A Love Feast for children from Unicef, to mark World Food Day

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After a beautiful song performed by the school choir, Mr. Nasos Ktorides and Ms. Maro Panayiotou, Director of Unicef ??in Cyprus, offered books with fairy tales to all children. Then the children enjoyed the wonderful meal that was offered to them.

“With the ever generous support of the Athanasios Ktorides Foundation, we will continue to offer the “love feast” to the elementary schools of Cyprus that need it” said Ms. Panayiotou.

More about ktorides foundation: |