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Speech delivered at the Graduation Ceremony of the University of Cyprus post-graduate students


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Dear friends
The news roared like thunder. It said that the smart bullet was invented. At last, a bullet that does not fire straight but follows the target until it hurts or kills you.

There must be something wrong when we invest billions to explore life on other planets, yet at the same time we search for more efficient or “smart” ways to kill life itself on this planet.

There is something wrong when in this day and age the stars of the wheels of fortune or reality shows instantly win fame and mythical prizes at a time when people of the arts and letters struggle in solitude to get by and secure next month’s rent.

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Speech delivered at the Graduation Ceremony of the University of Cyprus post-graduate students

Speech delivered at the Graduation Ceremony of the University of Cyprus post-graduate students

Speech delivered at the Graduation Ceremony of the University of Cyprus post-graduate students

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Speech delivered at the Graduation Ceremony of the University of Cyprus post-graduate students

Speech delivered at the Graduation Ceremony of the University of Cyprus post-graduate students

Speech delivered at the Graduation Ceremony of the University of Cyprus post-graduate students

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There is something wrong when entrepreneurship has been identified with opportunity instead of offering value, or manipulation has replaced developing talent.

Dear graduates, I cannot go on any further if at first I don’t ask of what I owe you:

Forgive me!

I belong to the generations that…

The Speech of Mr. Ktorides – Read more

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